Rockcastle River Right to Life

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


President: Jessica M.
Secretary/Treasurer: Cristy F.


Article 1: NAME
As set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, the name of this non-profit organization shall be Rockcastle River Right to Life.
Article 2: PURPOSE
The purpose for which the corporation is organized is to advocate through education and legislation respect for and protection of human life from the moment of conception against threats such as abortion and euthanasia. Since we believe life begins at conception, our definition of “abortion” includes its early forms, such as embryonic stem cell research and “contraceptives” with abortifacient potential. This organization shall strive to promote the pro-life cause with integrity and compassion while avoiding activities that members deem offensive. Potentially divisive activities and symbols of a religious nature shall not be introduced except by unanimous consent.