Rockcastle River Right to Life

Monday, October 23, 2006

Our First Fair Booth

During Labor Day weekend, we had an information booth at the Jackson County Fair and Homecoming. We enjoyed giving out free pro-life literature, speaking with many supportive neighbors, and collecting petition signatures against embryonic stem cell research. Special thanks to Steve, Regina, Tara, Stephen, Cristy, Sandy, and Sandra for helping make this event a success! Cristy, Tara, and I attended a KRLA training seminar in October, where we got lots of ideas for future events. Stay tuned!


Rockcastle River Right to Life began in 2006 when pro-life citizens of Laurel and Jackson Counties organized a local affiliate of the Kentucky Right to Life Association. We are a non-profit corporation the purpose of which is "to advocate through education and legislation respect for and protection of human life from the moment of conception against threats such as abortion and euthanasia." If you are interested in learning more about our organization, please contact the President (me) with the following email address: . You can also visit the KRLA web site at .